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Members can schedule a virtual checkup, emergency appointment, and more with HIPAA compliant teledentistry tools. These tools include the ability to easily rebook appointments and submit questions for providers in their area to answer, in place of a secure video consultation.

Lead UIUX Designer / All Graphics & Layouts / Figma

Virtual Video Mobile.png

Member View

Members can schedule a virtual checkup, In this view members will complete a pre-screen evaluation form that Providers can see before the call is initiated. 

Virtual Video Members View 01.jpg

Member View

Video is initiated mode. The provider is forward with member view in the upper left corner.

Virtual Video Members View 02.jpg

Provider View

Providers can see members in the waiting room to start the initial call procedures. Test for audio and video, Patient Consent, and built-in chat windows

Virtual Video Provider View 01.jpg

Provider View

Providers initiated the call, with the member in the forground.

Virtual Video Provider View 02.jpg

Cards within Figma

{mobile and desktop}

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