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User Testing Grocery Prime

Continuing education | TeamTreehouse


For this project, I was asked by The Grocery Prime team to find users and document user experience and feedback to give a detailed report of the user’s experience while using the app in a simulated live experience on a mobile device. 


I found four users that would participate to accomplish these tasks that would be necessary to place an order of groceries for delivery. My users had to add an item to their cart and attempt to checkout with that item. For this project, I wrote a discussion guide, task list, usability test, and an analysis T-Chart.


While assembling this project together, it took time to write the scripts out and schedule all the live participants so I can watch them use the app in real-time, while gaining valuable data for my report and conclusion.

Report User Testing

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Personal Notes:


Participant 1:

Participant 01 found the Banana and was able to place it in the cart. I did observe that she wanted to add more bananas to the cart but the button + did not work. This was a pain point along their path.  Participant 01 wanted to add more items to the cart but they were not available at this time. She did like the layout grid of the homepage and the arrangement of the image placeholders. Participant 01 commented on the size of the buttons and type were appropriate for her fingers. 


Participant 2:

Participant 02 was also able to place the Bananas in the cart and was able to view the cart. I did notice that he wanted to hit the + and - buttons as well. When the user tried to go back to the menu from the Payment page the arrow back button did not function within the prototype. He was frustrated that the button was not functional yet.  He did comment on the top progress bar and thought that was helpful in the design. 


Participant 3:

Participant 03 really wants to see a picture of Bannan’s!  She was perplexed that the design was not more filled out and missing the logo/home button that is usually on the top of the screen. She did like the menu on the bottom. She did ask a few questions concerning the icon on the bottom menu on the left side for the Grocery Prime Page. It was a little confusing that the icon was bright white as if it was a clickable live link. The menu on the bottom and the hamburger menu on the top left was a bit confusing to her. She was able to place it in the grocery cart and finish the process. 


Participant 4:

Participant 04 clicked on the first banana link as planned but then got tripped up with the hamburger menu. The save button was a bit confusing to him. He thought it should say “Add to cart” etc. The user wanted to know if the bananas were organic or not?

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Next Steps

Summarize your feedback from users in 5-6 sentences and explain what you think Grocery Prime’s next steps should be.


The next steps would be to take all the data that was collected from the usability tests and flush out the viewer’s notes. These notes are vital to the next design irritations that need to be created.  


The Design would next be brought up to medium-fidelity standards. The home page needs a few more items to be added so the users have a choice to add from. A home button and or icon added to go back to the start. Plus and minus could work. The word Grocery Prime across the top needs to be turned into a static header that does not change from page to page. Not sure why there is a hamburger menu top left and a secondary menu across the bottom of the page. The hamburger menu seems to be a distraction at this point in the design unless the designer has a reason for it and shows us what the usage case is. We need an Add to cart button in this process. The save button is really not needed in this design. What is working well so far is typography and hierarchy is clear and to the point.

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