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Researching Grocery Store App

Continuing education | TeamTreehouse


I was asked to conduct user research and interviews for a new app by Grocery Prime. I started with an affinity diagram to break down my information. With my affinity diagram, I outline and perform a user test to research and to gather information on application pain points, positive outcomes, improvements, and new features that could be implemented for the application. 


I wrote a user research plan, organized interview questions, and found users to interview for this purpose. I narrowed down my target audience to help define and write interview questions that would be asked in the interviewing process. Observing, asking targeted questions, note-taking and listening to my users helped me Identify the pain points within the software. I also found positive UIUX experiences within the software to send back to the designers. 


What I learned from this experience was that the participants gave some really constructive feedback that could be implemented into the design of the software. Some of these suggestions range from user maps to help find products and sales, to locate all deliveries to space where it would not interfere with customers’ vehicles and texts for prescriptions that are ready. Some of these ideas could be easily implemented within the grocery store app.

Affinity-diagram Grocery Store App


Research Grocery Store App


My Research goal for this grocery store app would be how users could benefit from using a grocery app and how it could improve their experience in purchasing groceries. I would like to learn what users/shoppers would like to see in the app and what pain points they experience while shopping for groceries. This solution to the needs of the shoppers could be included in the feature set of the new app. 


Target audience

My target audience is shoppers who would purchase their weekly groceries. This would be any shopper who spends time in the store and is spending more than 25$. Primary this age group would be adults that are 21 and up.


Interview Research

There are multiple ways to find people to interview. I would first start with Facebook and Post a call to participate in your research, and include a picture with the post. I would find a Facebook group that would be interested in using an app from grocery shopping. Using a # would help me Identify shoppers for grocery stores. Another way to find people to interview is to use twitter keywords and Google Plus networks. 


Areas of inquiry? Areas or topics or potential pain points

  1. Finding and locating items in the store? Isle and shelf numbers.

  2. Where are Gluten-free items located?

  3. What are the current sale items for the day and or week?

  4. Which vegetables are currently fresh and which ones are organic?

  5. Which items are price reduced with a rewards program and what are the savings?

  6. What beer or alcohol may be on sale for the week. Is there a special that's seasonal?

  7. What food brands are local to the area. 

Interview Questions

Write down the questions you will ask your interview participants. Below each question, add your notes from each participant’s answer. (You can also ask if recording the interview is ok and take notes after the interview as well when listening to the recording.)


  1. How does grocery shopping make you feel?

    1. Tired - so many aisles, takes a while

    2. Good - a break from work, likes to cook, try new foods

    3. Nothing (not good or bad) - just something that has to get done


How do you find Items in a grocery store? 

Participant 1: I keep going back to the same store so I already know where things are, but at times I have to ask the clerk who is working somewhere.


Participant 2: I usually can find all the groceries by knowing the store really well. When I walk into a new store that I am not familiar with it takes a lot longer than usual, especially with kids to tow.


Participant 3: I just wander around going up and down the isles with my list in hand. It's really unproductive if you think about. 


When you first arrive in a grocery store, what do you do first?

Participant 1: I first try to memorize my list so I can pull items off the shelf when I pass by them.


Participant 2: I tend to head over to produce first and grab what I need


Participant 3: I head over to the pharmacy and drop off my prescription. It takes the pharmacy about 30 minutes to fill. While they're filling my prescription I start over at the Meats and make my way to the coolers last. 




What Gluten-free products do you purchase, and where is it usually located?

Participant 1: I often have guests that are Gluten Free so when I am preparing meals for them I have to really look hard for Gluten-Free items. Most of the time I can find it, but when there is doubt I have to ask someone. 

Participant 2: My kids are Gluten Free and it's a real challenge. Items are randomly placed all over the store. Although the packaging is becoming more clear lately and it's easier to read the boxes that are Gluten-free these days. My local store has a Gluten-free section that they call “Organic” in the refrigerator section.


Participant 3:  I don't usually purchase Gluten-Free Items so I don't know where they are.




How do you like to save money with your purchases?

Participant 1:  I use rewards points and then I can get points for fuel. 


Participant 2: I look for sale items often. I stay away from the wine aisle!


Participant 3: I purchase the larger quantity items. Even though it's more money upfront, in the long run, those items last longer at home.



What type of organic fruit or vegetables do you purchase?

Participant 1: I try to purchase items that are local and in season. 


Participant 2: I look for Organic only items. I don't trust what they're using to grow fruit these days. It's better for the family and kids, etc.


Participant 3: I can't afford organic too often there priced way higher than regular items. 



How often do you use a rewards program?


Participant 1: When I can. At Safeway, it really doesn't make that big of a difference.


Participant 2: I use it when the choice is one item has it and the other doesn't.


Participant 3: I need to save money so I am trying to use the Rewards program as much as possible. I also use generics or store brand items. 



For beer and alcohol-related products what do you usually purchase and why? Do you look for deals / Sales? 


Participant 1: I like the craft beers so that can get pricey for us. 


Participant 2: We don't drink often, so I usually am not in that area. Only when we have parties so I let my husband pick that out. 


Participant 3: My son likes Coors and Budwiser so I purchase that in cans, whichever is on sale. 


In Conclusion

I wanted to Thank you for your time with the interviews. It has been very informative and I got some great feedback and data through this process. I learned a few things I didn't think of and got a good perspective from your point of view. For example, the layout of the stores really affects how people shop and the flow of shopping. 


I have one more question to wrap up the interviews with. Do you have any other thoughts or comments you would like to add?


Participant 1: I would really like to see what products are local and what products are in season, new to the store. I like to try new seasonal beers and wines, especially when we have guests over for dinner.  With so many beer choices it becomes overwhelming at times


Participant 2:  A store Map would be really helpful. I usually make a big loop in the store and try to save time walking up and down the isles. I also find the parking lots really a stressful place. I am not sure what it is really. Grocery store parking lots are often very dangerous.  I think if we move the trucks and oversized vehicles to one side of the lot and compact cars to the other side that could really help with the delivery vehicles. Also if there were dedicated spots for amazon and food deliveries that would help too. 


Participant 3:  At times I could use help getting all groceries to the car, so maybe someone could help me out in that regard. I think the pharmacy should have some kind of system to text me when my prescriptions are ready. 



Analysis - Analyze Data

What are some of the key takeaways from your interviews? What do the participants enjoy? What do the participants find frustrating? Reflect on what you learned. Explain in 5-6 sentences. 


I really ran into 3 different types of people. One who is more into craft beers and organics., a house mom and lastly another who doesn't have much money and needs to be on a strict budget. What I learned is that I think some shoppers/participants enjoy finding the deal of the day! I think when an item is far below expectations it makes them happy. I would say this is akin to a loss leader. When the shopper is happier they tend to spend more money in the store. The app would be helpful to show what the deal of the day could be and have a useful map of the store and third a bar code scanner would help too to find out the prices of items. 


What is the most important problem (pain point) you believe your client should tackle with their grocery shopping app? Explain 2-3 sentences.


I think a pain point is the location of items and finding them, and finances. A running total of what's in your cart would be helpful. If the user could scan the products to get a ballpark figure that would be helpful. 


Pain Points

Sticker shock at the checkout counter would be a Pain Point. I think sometimes you don't think you have much in the cart vs the dollar amount. I think the running total would help. You can have a barcode scanner in the app.  I also feel a grocery list organized by location in-store would help. That way you're not going back and forth through the isles, looking for items on the other side of the store.

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