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Benefit Optimizer
Lead UIUX Designer / Graphics & Layouts / Figma
Concepts and Development
Customer Support Tools: Access benefits, claim summaries, and documents.
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User Research:

Before we started the design process with Benefit Optimizer we first needed to obtain user research and user data. We needed to capture how customer service was collecting data from Providers and support staff to focus on the optimal solution and then perform beta testing and usability studies to ensure the product is functional and exceeds user expectations.  


Our team shadowed and observed customer service multiple times and gathered user data for a design Sprint at a later time.  We also had multiple team meetings with customer service, providers, and doctors to examine cross-functionality and toolsets that could be built with this new suite of tools. 


Key Take-Aways from our Observations:

  • Order of each call, Provider - Dentist Office, ID number first, DOB, Telephone number, Ref numbers

  • Expandable menu system to accommodate future builds

  • Access to PDFs documents on the fly

  • Typeface to be utilized to show hierarchical structures for gathering data

  • Ability to take notes and save notes for future calls.

  • Ability to save a popular bookmark too.Gov sites

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Visuals of 2/10 Design Concepts that were developed within Figma
Concept 9.3.jpg
Concept 9.2.jpg
Functional App & Development
Search Eligibility and Benefits.jpg
Search Procedure utilization.jpg
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